Day: May 6, 2009

The Mortal Immortal live streamed!!

If you are around Cambridge this friday and you are interested in science and society I would like to let you know that there is going to be a conference called:

The Mortal Immortal – Scientific and Social Aspects of Ageing

The good news is if you can’t make it you can see the event in live stream on on this link:—Scientific-and-Social-Aspect

At the final panel we are going to take questions also from the net, so don’t forget to join the chat and throw your question 🙂

Let the partition be

Yesterday one of my housemate asked me if I was able to make a partition of his hard-disk.

He has a 40 Gb drive and wanted to make two partitions, one only for windows and one only for the data.

To accomplished that I just had to fire up an ubuntu live cd (It was the 7.10 version, the one that I had handy at that time) and I used gparted to do the job.

It worked like a charm.

Open a terminal and then write

sudo gparted

to start it.

We were able to resize the old partion from 38 Gb to 12 Gb, create a new one of 28 Gb and format it with the ntfs filesystem.

Oh yeah, because this friend is still using windows.

Then we boot up in windows and the system recognized the two new partitions (C: and E:) and it was happy to use them.

All this thanks to an Ubuntu Live system. And in 5 mins. 🙂