Category: English

Java and gtk error

Problem: ugly program (no theme applied)
If you get an error like:

/usr/share/themes/Unity/gtk-2.0/gtkrc:41: error: lexical error or unexpected token, expected valid token

when you launch a java program under a GTK enviroment (GNOME) and the program looks really ugly or even it doesn’t start at all you may want to try the following..

Solution: Upgrade to the last 1.6 jdk.

To updgrade to the latest sdk in ubuntu follow this info:

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre

and select as the blessed ones:

sudo update-java-alternatives -s java-6-sun

check it:

java -version

If everything is ok launch you program 🙂

P.S.: Check that the program that you’re launching is not using a proper jre (so 1.5) otherwise all your effort will be useless.

Rhythmbox and firefox on hardy

Just for the record, if rhythmbox hang when you try to see a video on youtube with firefox, or you cannot listen to the music anymore if firefox is running something where flash is involvedd the answer to all this troupe is called: libflashsupport

sudo apt-get install libflashsupport

At least it worked on my system.

Enjoy 🙂

Situation point. And I mean today.

So it looks like there is a lot of stuff going on. We have a possible Vice Prime Minister Sarah Paulin that has answered to the possibility to engage a war with the Russia in the case Georgia is in the NATO:

“Perhaps so. I mean, that is the agreement when you are a Nato ally, if another country is attacked, you’re going to be expected to be called upon and help.”

The best one is when she said going in Iraq was a mission of God. Now tell me, what is the difference between this kind of idea and the one from the terrorism that is doing an “holy war” as a justification?

If the bombs is in on a backpack or is dropping from the sky who is going to die is always a human being.

It looks like the Venezuelan President Chavez, the prime minister of the Venezuela is really happy to have two airplains from Russia in his country when he said the us ambassador has to leave the country.

The Yankee ambassador to Caracas has 72 hours to leave Venezuela, in solidarity with Bolivia, with the Bolivian people, and with the Bolivian government

Putin has said that he was a right reaction to fight back the Geogiarn. On the other end there is the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev asking for a reinforcement of the alley to fight terrorism with the US.

If it looks like a big mess also to you, I think we have an agreement…

Of course all of this are just technicals tests for the very big important new piece of land, full of petrol that nobody can claim. Yet.

And Europe what is doing in the meantime?

Shutting down flying companies. Neither the train looks good today…

Mendeley: manage your papers and sync them

If you are in research you read a huge amount of papers, which you would like to retrieve later according to a keyword, author name, or any other method that works for you.

Right now it’s plenty of this tool around, starting from Papers, to Referencer which is my choice right now. However having your papers available when you don’t have your laptop and having them from an on-line resources is also a good idea and CiteUlike is my solution for now.

One thing that I am really keen to have is a synchronized way to manage this two worlds. Right now SyncUThink is a tool developed to do just that. We even have interviewed the developer some time ago.

mendeley logo

Today a new guy is coming up and it’s called Mendeley. One of the innovative features that this software is able to offer is the automatic synchronization between the offline and the online world.

The software consist of two part, the desktop client and the website. On the website you can have the classical social soul and on the desktop you can use the software to search your papers and find that piece of information that you are looking for.

The Desktop client (Qt based in my case) has a pretty neat interface and the search for authors is one of my favourite tool to search the articles. And the synchronization is only one click away. Pretty slick, isn’t it?

It’s worth to give a shoot.

Note: I discovered this software directly from an e-mail sent to me by Victor. He found this blog when he googled for open science. This made me quite happy :).