Tag: google

Massive investment on clean tech from Google

Google has made a deal to buy energy at fixed price from a massive wind farm for 20 years.

This is one of the several action which the company is taking to make its own plan, called RE<C, happening. The goal of this plan is to make Renewable Energy cheaper than Coal. According to them, to reach this, they are moving in three different area:

effective policy, innovative technology and smart capital

They are backing up innovative technology, financing really interesting and promising startup which area trying to exploit non conventional energy, like this one for Enhanced Geotermical Power.

They also invested a gazillions (roughly) of money in the Makani start-up, which is developing system to gather energy from tropospheric wind. The company seems to be developing a prototype able to produce 10 KW from high altitude wind.

Tropospheric wind is the same energy source which kitegen KGR is trying to exploit, which, however, is in a more advanced state, given the fact there are building two industrial installations right now in Nothern West of Italy, able to deliver 3 MW (which is 3000 KW). And that is only the beginning and bigger project of massive scale are already planned.

Maybe google should give a second look and throw some money also on the kitegen project?

People protesting against Google-Verizon legal framework proposal

From the BBC News

Around 100 people have rallied outside Google’s California offices to protest against controversial proposals to alter how data is treated over the web.

Pay to play. This the kind of format which is been prioritize on the wireless network. The creation of high-priority web channel on wireless network to transmit the data can really disrupt the internet as we know. Internet must remain Open with no differentiation on speed within two contents should be delivered.

If this is not the case, the innovation will be harmed badly and both consumers and producers will suffer from the smaller possibilities, because big players can instantiate a sort of monopoly.

Google is still defending its own position. Which is very sad and make them evil…

Mhh… this is strange

So it seems that google is not showing the images about the Berlusconi’s aggression:


With Bing you can find the images, with Google no. Check here.

The post from google italia to answer the user questions is about a possible delay within the scan of the pages and the results from the engine.

Which is reasonable, but this is not the case.

Yesterday it was possible to find them. On Google Images. Not today.

The question is why?

Update: it seems now you can find them, so the google spider for images is a bit lagging behind.

Google is becoming evil? No (or not yet?)

When I saw this news on an italian journal about “Google approaching major cable and phone companies that carry Internet traffic with a proposal to create a fast lane for its own content” I was kind of skeptical.  It looks really odd to me that google, people who know internet really well, were thinking that was an action to take.

So I hit slashdot (yes, there you want to go for this type of information) and the story starts to be more clear.

It seems the news appeared on the Wall Street Journal but the way they reported was a little bit confused. The clarification of Google came from their policy blog where they reaffermed they support net neutrality.

The Net neutrality is one of the key attribute to have a lively and healthy network and I’m really happy there is a general agreement on this idea.

Is it pretty amazing the agile blog answer given by the google folks about this story. Is not that common for a big company…

The wave 2

This is a tiny blog that use several languages and has a kind of stable number of readers that I would like to thank.

So everytime there is a massive increase of the number of visits it’s always cool to try to find the reason.

This time this is what happened:


From 30ish average readers on daily base to a peak of 496!

I was wondering why that happened when I figure it out:


Yes, YANNB was the first hit on this google search .

It matters to be first on google, also if it is only for one really particular problem. And I’ve received one of the most rewarding comment till now. 🙂

It seems everytime I share a solution there is a lot of interest on that bit and it’s useful for some of the people out there like this one , in how to layout the partition on your harddrive (link in italian… if there is interest I can translate and post it again.)

However this post has been read not in one burst but during a long period (and ok, it’s also quite old so this can be biased).

This time was the second time there was a burst.

The first time happened when pollycoke linked me and all that traffic had clicked the link.

Google e i dati personali

Interessantissimo questo post di stormy riguarda alla EULA di chrome e alla cosidetta bontà di google ed il loro motto “don’t be evil”

Riassumendo le compagnie sono compagnie, non hanno volontà o altro. Hanno semplicemente un possessore e possono cambiare la loro idea di come condurre gli affari a seconda del management.

La EULA di chrome gli permette di fare tutto quello che vogliono con quei dati dato il lassissismo del linguaggio usato che la apra a qualsivoglia interpretazione..

Quindi pensateci un attimo. Un attimino solo….

E allora Chrome ma non per linux

chrome logo

chrome logo

Se non vivete sotto ad un sasso oramai sapete che google ha rilasciato chrome. Per linux ancora non c’è la release e questo non mi permette di provarlo.

Le considerazioni di TechCrunch sul vero scopo del browser mi sembrano chiare e lucide e ritengo che sia un ottima idea dare un occhio a questo bell’articolo di wired.

Io penso che qualcuno riesca a trovare il modo di renderlo funzionale su linux per stasera tardi (orario del Pacifico.)

Per ora s’attende fiduciosi con firefox che, con i suoi onesti 20 tabs sempre aperti, continua a fare il suo sporco lavoro.

Se gears prende piede (nota che è embedded in chrome) sarebbe paragonabile al salto che c’è stato quando si è passati da browser testuali come lynx a qualcosa come mosaic.

Da notare che è opensource. C’è da dire che usano Webkit per reinderizzare le pagine, quindi erano in qualche modo forzati.

Spostandosi da offline ad online

Google sta sempre mettendo a disposizione un numero sempre maggiore di servizi ed io li sto utilizzando in maniera sempre più aggressiva.

Penso che la forza fondamentale di google sia la semplicità dell’User Interface. E’ tutto a portata di click, tutto semplice chiaro e veloce. Questo significa un’aumentata produttività.

I servizi che utilizzo su base giornaliera sono:

  • GMail
  • GCalendar
  • GReader


L’interfaccia e-mail è semplicemente geniale. La possibilità di avere il servizio IMAP attivo da un paio di settimane mi ha fatto decidere che era il caso di migrare completamente su quel provider.

Avere tutte le mail on-line significa essere sempre in synch con tutti i propri dati in maniera completamente trasparente, senza problemi di sincronizzazione o di device.

Non importa quale computer/PDA/* stai utilizzando, tutte le e-mail sono lì con tutti le cose che ti servono.


Il punto di forza è sicuramente l’integrazione con GMail, che direttamente dalla mail dà la possibilità di creare un evento.Se poi all’interno dell’evento viene aggiunto il link della e-mail abbiamo la connessione tra l’email e l’evento, in maniera naturale.


La possibilità di marcare come starred un post è la killer feature. Tra tutti i post che vengono scritti in un blog, sicuramente qualcuno è realmente interessante e vale la pena di salvarlo da qualche parte. Con il reader di google è un click.

Altri servizi come i Documenti on-line ed il Block Notes li utilizzo saltuariamente. Li trovo utili ma non indispensabili.

E se Google will become evil?

Sarebbe un bel casino. Ma ancora recuperabile.

Disclaimer: Google non mi paga e non mi ha pagato per questo post. Però penso che quando qualcosa funziona, valga la pena riportarlo.