If you are used to write your stuff in LaTeX it’s easy to forget how to write a symbol and which is the command to write it down.
It would be easier to write it down ? Now it’s possible!
Try it here
via Marco
An Eye to the World, an Eye to the Net
How an Hill equation looks like?
What is the behaviour of an alpha function?
well, I have scipy installed, I know the equation, I know how to create an array of points… Let’s crunch some numbers!
If you interested in this and other amenities check the code in the scipy_ex folder on github.
The Hill equation is in the mathematical functions script..
I’m writing a report and I had to cite an article from a book. It’s one of this book which every article can also be used as a standalone paper. The problem is that if you use an article record, you will miss the book and if you use the book record, you will miss the article.
How to solve it? Google it! (somebody has already solved it and post it somewhere)
And it is. The solution is to use @incollection
author = {John Doe},
title = {Dynamic Ambient Paradigms},
booktitle = {Paradigm Gems 2},
pages = {223--233},
publisher = {Addison Wesley},
year = 2005,
editor = {Averell Doe}
More BiBTeX tips (where I found this solution) on this page.
If you use LaTeX and sometimes want to override the TeX macro to get your figure right there you can do it.
You can use the exclamation point !
However the results is not really nice as when Tex take care to do the layout. So the win-win solution would be to have Tex taking care of the layout, but force it to put all the figure that belong to a section within that section.
Well that’s pretty easy and the command
Just does the trick.
If instead you refer to a figure but instead of the number of the figure you can read the number of the section, this is because you have misplaced the caption with the label.
The label has to go after the caption, otherwise it will refer to the section not to the figure.
Right way:
\caption{A wonderful image!}
\label{fig: image}
Note the relax [htb]
. LaTeX will take care of the position for you.
An amazing interesting post about crisis and society collapse from Ugo Bardi on the oildrum.
According to the author the complexity of a society is both a cost and a benefit, but after a certain point is only a cost which will bring the society down.
The “homeostasis” is the process which the complex society use to compensate forces which destabilize the society. This analysis is applied to the Roman Empire, but analogy with our societies are also drawn.
The crisis is very close and we are swimming in it, but we are not able to see the water.
I just discovered that in using pylab you can plot an array or list of number vs the list lenght by default.
Let’s say we have a list of point like [2,2,3,4,5,5,6,10, 23,45,58,42,12]
points = [2,2,3,4,5,5,6,10,23,45,58,42,12]
well to plot this you just have to
and this is the results:
The whole script in python
import pylab
points = [2,2,3,4,5,5,6,10,23,45,58,42,12]
The last one is needed to show the window, which will happen automatically if you are running the script using ipython with the pylab option.
I just discovered by chance. I always thought that to plot you need x and y, but of course it’s possible to infer the x if you just one to plot only the points, cause each point in the list has a “Cartesian coordinates” embedded, i.e. [0,2];[1,2];[2,3];[3,4];… etc.
It seems that I’m not the only one dealing with neurons in the GNOME Community. Well I mean, I never thought I was the only one, but I also didn’t expect to find a blog post on the gnome planet about the first publication.
Let me just say well done 🙂
14 su 19 centrali nucleari francesi sono state spente perchè faceva troppo caldo. E la Francia ha dovuto importare energia elettrica dalla Gran Bretagna.
Inoltre la produzione di energia elettrica delle centrali nucleari è calata sensibilmente sempre perchè l’acqua utilizzata per il raffreddamento era troppo calda, imponendo un regime di utilizzo della centrale più basso.
Invece è un ottima intervista a Massimo Ippolito, l’inventore del kitegen system sul sole fatta da Beppe Caravita.
Potrebbe essere una soluzione al problema energetico insieme alle centrali a concentrazione solare ?
Quelli della KiteGen dicono che mancano i soldi e che il problema maggiore sembra la tenuta della filiera industriale collegata, messa a repentaglio della crisi.
Il governo che fa intanto?
Il PD?
Today I released the first public release 0.1.0 of NeuronVisio.
NeuronVisio is a GTK2 user interface for NEURON simulator.
NeuronVisio connects with NEURON using the new python NEURON interface.
The code is on github (which I discover create automatically a tarball for you when you tag the package… sweet 🙂 )
So just two words about the ustream website and my experience for the mortal immortal symposium.
First of all I want to say it worked like a charm. I used a mac and a firewire cable to connect the camera with the computer. For the technical point of view, we took the video from the camera and the audio from the auditorium system and plugged that into the mac.
The quality of the sound it’s really good. The quality of the video is good enough I think.
More over you can watch or download the video from the channel url
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