Git rocks, and after two days of using I can confirm it.
I was a user of bazar, but with the switching of GNOME to git and the big trouble that bazar was giving me to commit on the svn of the EBI I decided to give to git a go.
Also on bioinfoblog the match between git and bazar it’s a though one, but I right now the svn support from git just works out of the box, so I started to use it.
I want also to point out that with the last git (ATMOW) is possible to create a remote branch on the svn server with:
git svn branch mybranch
and this was one of the killer feature that made me switch.
This is not a tutorial on git but I will provide you some quick and dirty pointers to other posts that I found interesting for a quick introduction to git.
Stuff to keep in mind about git:
- You always work in a local branch.
- You commit locally
- You push (or dcommit if using a remote svn repository) to the remote branch.
- The name of a remote branch is remote/foobar and you need to put the remote prefix also if it doesn’t show up with the remote prefix not optional. You need this if you create a local branch and you want to track a remote branch.
Some pointers here:
I’ve customized my bash prompt to show my current branch on a git repository. This is the code (based on some code found on the net that I can’t track anymore.. I’m sorry….) looks like this:
#git branch
parse_git_branch() {
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* (.*)/(1)/'
PS1='[33[0;32m]u[33[1;32m]@[33[0;32m]h[33[00m]:[33[01;34m]W[33[1;30m]$(parse_git_branch)[33[00m]$ '
April 20, 2009 at 6:20 pm
Welcome to the git-freaks/nerds/user community!!
Your script looks like a genial idea.
What does it happen when I cd to a directory which is not under git control?
Let me try..
April 20, 2009 at 8:54 pm
It just write the normal path( no grey part to be clear :))