Sumatra is very cool idea which I felt the need from a long time. Andrew started the development of it and released the version 0.1 few days ago. The idea was great: record all the details about your simulation, storing the parameters, why you have launched it, what was the outcome. Tagging on top for categorization as well.
There was only one problem: Sumatra was not supporting git so I was unable to use it. Therefore, giving the fact was opensource I just baked a series of patches which were integrated in the tool and now sumatra has a git support 🙂
If you want to have a feel about it and want to try with git there is an example repository on github which you can use.
This is the results of the webinterface (sumatra stores everything in the django ORM system) showing the tables of the simulations:
If you click on the single record you can access the details of the simulation:
Using sumatra you will be able to:
- search your simulations’ results
- describe the results of the simulation on the simulation record itself, keeping everything very compact and ordered.
- retrieve all the tiny details when you will need (papers hopefully..)
Storing all this informations is done automatically for you (except the analysis’ results of course), so you can focus more on your science, without worrrying on loosing your results.
Soon I’ll integrate sumatra in Neuronvisio.
P.S.: The patch for git integration (second part) is on its own way and it should be integrated soon in the tree, so you will need to run the bleeding edge and integrate the patch yourself if it’s not yet there (and you can’t wait 🙂 )
Have Fun
April 12, 2010 at 10:07 am
sembra interessante, ma mi piacerebbe sapere se puó essere utilizzato per gestire risultati di calcoli in generale piuttosto che solo simulazioni, e qual é la differenza rispetto ad un git normale.
April 12, 2010 at 10:14 am
I’ll soon give a talk about it and I will upload the slides.
I will address this issues as well.
In short: yes you can use it
Sumatra will monitor a Data directory and it will store any kind of plots/results you have created, just recording the path to it.
Git is just managing the code, sumatra manages and organizes the simulations results.