Happy New Year!

New Eve Years is upon us once more, and this is a good time to do the classic yearly review.

First of all this is a success story. Last year I’ve decided to write more, and I’ve actually managed to do it. We went from one post only in 2014 to a grand total of 19 posts this year. Not bad at all.

A very quick round down of the stats: my classic workhorse, the pull request rescue post is still going strong and it is the point of entry from google to this blog. This year a new entry has come along: speed up list intersection in python.  It proved to be quite  popular and it is standing its ground even if it is quite new. A lot of other posts this year have been relatively popular, like moving the blog to dokku and some dokku advise as well.

Lots of things have happened, both in my personal and work life. It’s a great time of changing, and new adventures are going to start very soon. As usual this blog will remain mostly about scientific and work related subjects, but I expect to write more about bioinformatics and docker in the future.

Last but not least, this is the generated annual report for the 2015.

2016 is looking very exciting, dense and very packed. I hope I can still write the odd post, but as usual we will see next year.

In the mean time, Happy New Year!

P.S.: Yep , Santa Claus and the snow will go away after the holiday, do not panic.